2 déc. 2010

Oureille qui gratte #531 - OulchenOwski

C'était le 30.11.2010
Merci à toute l'équipe.
Voici un morceau en live acoustique... enjoy.

Jazz Day :

Il y avait trois morceaux live en tout...
Et le podcast pour écouter l'émission et la ré-écouter :

21 nov. 2010

OulchenOwski - L'oreille qui gratte

Hola !
OulchenOwski sera l'invité de l'émission radiophonique "l'oreille qui gratte" de Simon Pégurier, le 30 Novembre 2010.
C'est de 19.15 à 21h. Sur 94 FM.
Trois morceaux en acoustique, une reprise, une interview puis... des morceaux de notre albums Akt.2, l'actu avec ProOrca et Wuhan... enfin, à vous d'écouter.

9 nov. 2010

OulchenOwsi - Acoustic

"C'est bon d'être barge"
This tune comes from our fist album called "OulchenOwski". We taped it during a rehearsal for our next radio show "L'oreille qui gratte" on Agora FM.

18 oct. 2010

Jasmine -- Ta-ratatouille - OulchenOwski

Recorded live during the French Tv show "Ta-ratatouille" (rdv.com) at Casino Ruhl in Nice - France.
October 2010.

17 oct. 2010

Alarm - OulchenOwski

Recorded live during the French Tv show "ta-ratatouile" on RDV TV (rdv.com)

Spartakus - OulchenOwski

The première of a new composition sor far called "Spartakus". Recorded live during the French TV show "Ta-ratatouille" for RDV tele (rdv.com) -- Oct. 2010. Nice - France. Casino Ruhl.

4 oct. 2010

21 août 2010

OulchenOwski - Radio Musicos

Interview d'OulchenOwski sur RadioMusicos : http://radiomusicos.new.fr/ (cliquer sur le bouton rouge -> Interviews -> bouton vert d'OulchenOwski) ;-)

30 juil. 2010

your help needed

WOULD YOU PLEEAAAASE visite this page and vote for OulchenOwski ? :
If you don't understand French, you simply click on the number 50 just next to OulchenOwski and you have no idea how it wil help us. It's totaly free so do not hesitate !!!

Thank you sooooo much ;-)

2 juil. 2010


Great video shooting yesterday with WebTv-Nice ! thank you so much guys. Soon the video on this blog too.

27 juin 2010

GBP guitar - prototype instrument to be checked out

Hello dear guitarist friends,

Please take a moment to check these new instruments out, you might really be interested. It's called the GBP guitar (gbp = guitar/bass/percusssions). This prototype was invented by Fabrice Oulchen (guitarist of OulchenOwski). It has 4 independent outputs :
1- electric guitar
2- acoustic guitar
3- fretless bass
4- percusssions

Each output has its own level (there's also a 5th output that groups all the 4 different outputs in one... just in case).
Check this out and don't hesitate to contact us :

There's another version of the GBP (the version 1 indeed).
Here are two videos to give you an idea :
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5W6Y9R5ARDk (Stromatolithes) by OulchenOwski

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4KrvpraHhs (Füria) by OulchenOwski

This version of the GBP guitar has almost the same carateristics as the version two (see above) only few things (that make a big difference) are different like :
- the postion you play it ;-)
- the chosen woods

Don't hesitate to contact us if you're interested. We've been working on these for 7 years now so we know what we're talking about.
Join our "OulchenOwski - progressive rock" group on facebook.
Contact us at oulchenowski@gmail.com for more info or if you'd like to write about us.


5 mai 2010

Produce OulchenOwski

Woaw, how cool is that ?!! you can become OulchenOwski's producer !!!
Check this out :
You can help us recording a great quality album ! wouldn't it be simply Oulchenastic ???!!
We think so too ;-)
Thank you so much in advance.
Sëhb and Fähb

3 mai 2010

Tuk by OulchenOwski

To all our friends in Tuk (Canada)
Another version of "tuk" is available on our second album AKT.2, available at http://cdbaby.com/cd/oulchenowski2

Meanwhile, enjoy this one :

Stromatolithes by OulchenOwski

A new video of a song called "Stromatolithes".
You can listen to this song on our album AKT.2 on cdbaby at

For now, enjoy this one :

2 mai 2010

Rock&Gaule by OulchenOwski

A new video, shoot at Oulchen Studio (Nice - France) during a rehearsal.
Enjoy and please, leave your feeds.